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Not built Construction #6 (15 oct. 2016 17:45:01)

Artefacts du build
gs-carcolor-4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom939 B view
  1. Refactor: Tag/Model.createProperty -> createNewProperty (commit: 3fa8c54) (detail)
  2. add UserGuide button (commit: 8fe5a29) (detail)
  3. fix css (commit: d3ea8a2) (detail)
  4. fix bogs (commit: 454ffb4) (detail)
  5. fix UserGuide (commit: 9b0794e) (detail)
  6. fix screen problem with UserGuide (commit: 0ca5ab8) (detail)
  7. fix mistakes (commit: 63a9be5) (detail)
  8. gs-reactor: Tag: Delete initProperty(String propertyName, T (commit: 119ed4c) (detail)
  9. gs-reactor: Delete the StringExtractor from GenericModel (commit: a970aca) (detail)
  10. Refactoring (commit: dd8e8f3) (detail)
  11. add GSHeader (commit: 8e4a148) (detail)
  12. gs-reactor: Use createNewInitializedProperty when possible (commit: d9119b6) (detail)
  13. fix CSS (commit: 81a86c0) (detail)
  14. fix GSHeader (commit: 8be41a3) (detail)
  15. gs-reactor: Use SELECTION constant only in SelectionDefaults (commit: f682d40) (detail)
  16. add GSImg and Logo (commit: 3b6b372) (detail)
  17. gs-reactor: Use a model property for HTML node text content (commit: 0d79989) (detail)
  18. gs-reactor: Improve TextPropertyDefaults and GenericStringDefaults (commit: 784ecca) (detail)
  19. Merge (commit: 8164b10) (detail)
  20. gs-reactor: Refactor: Move GSHeader from gstag to gs (commit: 1f57e17) (detail)
  21. gs-reactor: Make HtmlDomNode a regular class rather than internal to (commit: 8b20439) (detail)
  22. gs-reactor: New Tag GSH2 and css improvements carColorApp (commit: 1522eea) (detail)
  23. Merge (commit: 97a9214) (detail)
  24. add GSModalButton. Fix problems (commit: 7a9069a) (detail)
  25. fix changes (commit: a5504f9) (detail)
  26. gs:reactor carColorApp Improve CSS (commit: 110e8f4) (detail)
  27. merge (commit: f6ad90b) (detail)
  28. fix problems (commit: 149e463) (detail)
  29. fix GSModalButton (commit: 8c63dd3) (detail)
  30. merge (commit: 9a5af34) (detail)
  31. fix window.onclick() (commit: 78fc9c6) (detail)
  32. fix further modal loading on window.onclick() (commit: 42c7a64) (detail)
  33. gs-reactor: Delete Html Tag and rename GS-tags to Html-tags (commit: badc4dc) (detail)
  34. fix unused import and GSModalButton mouvement (commit: c32e804) (detail)
  35. gs-reactor: Delete unused SimpleWebAppConfig constructor (commit: 1168cc5) (detail)
  36. gs-reactor: Create common interface for model properties and group them (commit: 01383a7) (detail)
  37. merge (commit: 2bf68ef) (detail)
  38. modal improvement (commit: 86f8abc) (detail)
  39. gs-reactor: Allow inheritance of style properties even when not (commit: b17e679) (detail)
  40. todomcv improvments (commit: f211fd7) (detail)
  41. Remove unnecessary engine parameter in apps constructor (commit: 306b1ad) (detail)
  42. gs-reactor: Create new interfaces to create and access Model properties (commit: c72e00f) (detail)
  43. Refactoring Remove GSTag Remove GSModel Rename Model to Context (commit: 7d2d79f) (detail)
  44. gs-reactor: Prevent page reload after clicking on a link (commit: 88a17e3) (detail)
  45. gs-reactor: Use HTML divs rather than sections (commit: a6c223f) (detail)
  46. merge (commit: 0aa1ccb) (detail)
  47. gsReactor : show cache contains and remove on save. ExtendedMonitor (commit: 7bce3c5) (detail)
  48. gs-reactor Cache display improvement (commit: 9ab93c2) (detail)
  49. gs-carColor CSS improvement (commit: 2753faa) (detail)
  50. Effect on title (commit: 795d59e) (detail)
  51. Improve css and responsivity (commit: 159a57a) (detail)
  52. carColor : Fix Css (commit: eb3cade) (detail)
  53. Improve modal css (commit: 5a4f501) (detail)
  54. Create new responsive component (commit: ee12d57) (detail)
  55. Commit (commit: 07fb636) (detail)
  56. start example-anglar (commit: 6fc2df5) (detail)
  57. gs-reactor: Rename packages because of compilation issues (commit: 6431dbb) (detail)
  58. Merge (commit: c2a5308) (detail)
  59. gs-reactor: Rename packages to make compilation with maven work (commit: 7005918) (detail)
  60. Add organize import order in eclipse (workaround for import order jdk (commit: 448a1f6) (detail)
  61. gs-reactor: Add multicheckbox to instance builder in new version of (commit: 957579b) (detail)
  62. Move GSLogo to gs-carcolor project (commit: c28ffff) (detail)
  63. Start rewriting CarColorApp with new framework (commit: a7fd75f) (detail)
  64. gs-reactor: Make it so Style and StyleClass are not inner classes (commit: 6ab09f2) (detail)
  65. gs-carcolor: Use pos parameter to rewrite user guide with new framework (commit: 2bb9a1f) (detail)
  66. gs-carcolor: Add carcolorapp2.js (commit: 7231d15) (detail)
  67. gs-reactor, gs-carcolor: Simplify annotations (commit: bd04f29) (detail)
  68. gs-carcolor, gs-reactor: Adapt CSS of Logo and Responsive (commit: df25d87) (detail)
  69. gs-carcolor: Add z-index > 0 to close link in modal (commit: 9e731b0) (detail)
  70. Update GSResponsive, GSUserGuide and carcolorapp.css (commit: c306ada) (detail)
  71. gs-reactor: Refactor: @ReactorDependencies -> @Children (commit: 9581e9f) (detail)
  72. gs-carcolor: Simplify CarColorApp2 (commit: e7ace97) (detail)
Changements dans les dépendances
  1. Generic System  ? → (détails)