

  1. Compare the Layout decomposition with another algorithm based on (commit: 48ff831) (details)
  2. gs-cv: removed deprecated python project configuration file (commit: d43748e) (details)
  3. gs-cv: changed the logging level to debug in FillModelWithData when (commit: 47bfb77) (details)
  4. gs-cv: OcrParameters: renamed logger (commit: 5520632) (details)
  5. gs-cv: Ocr: added an object pool to get OcrTesseract instances (commit: 205dc99) (details)
  6. gs-cv: ComputeBestTextPerZone: fixed a bug (NPE) when computing scores (commit: e5c9282) (details)
  7. gs-cv: FillModelWithData: cleaned-up useless code (commit: c73aff8) (details)
  8. gs-cv: FillModelWithData: added the ability to provide a resources (commit: 2b08ec0) (details)
  9. Test making of zones, OCR and data structure (commit: 4d2e738) (details)
  10. gs-cv: Ocr: Fixed a bug in OcrTesseract factory (path to TESSDATA was (commit: 8f6d029) (details)
Commit 48ff83125c4c94da70ea01efcf76b25f8255f8b6 by jmathorel
Compare the Layout decomposition with another algorithm based on
OpenCV's Imgproc::boundingRect
(commit: 48ff831)
The file was addedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/layout/
Commit d43748eed414332732957740fcdc774672fd7ca8 by plassalas
gs-cv: removed deprecated python project configuration file
(commit: d43748e)
The file was removedgs-cv/.pydevproject
Commit 47bfb77cf6a760c93bb8094a5ce5e4efe665cec0 by plassalas
gs-cv: changed the logging level to debug in FillModelWithData when
starting a new cache
(commit: 47bfb77)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/comparator/
Commit 5520632966314053488d0f9f7493825b06e38d76 by plassalas
gs-cv: OcrParameters: renamed logger
(commit: 5520632)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/comparator/
Commit 205dc99c83bd82b8f3a199e0dbbd8607bea0e335 by plassalas
gs-cv: Ocr: added an object pool to get OcrTesseract instances
Segmentation faults can occur when an instance of OcrTesseract is shared
accross multiple threads. To avoid this, a factory and an object pool
were created using Apache commons pool2 package.
(commit: 205dc99)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/pom.xml
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/
Commit e5c9282f3eeda777c8c9d6af4a2b3aa316e8c983 by plassalas
gs-cv: ComputeBestTextPerZone: fixed a bug (NPE) when computing scores
without OCR data
(commit: e5c9282)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/comparator/
Commit c73aff82ed08250054229149c5cf889e08b8213a by plassalas
gs-cv: FillModelWithData: cleaned-up useless code
(commit: c73aff8)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/comparator/
Commit 2b08ec06151d6df699a76ca35058a2b44ff6eb83 by plassalas
gs-cv: FillModelWithData: added the ability to provide a resources
folder when registering a new file
(commit: 2b08ec0)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/comparator/
The file was modifiedgs-ir/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/ir/
Commit 4d2e738a9842005e923ad68824e1fcb703b1dc0a by jmathorel
Test making of zones, OCR and data structure
(commit: 4d2e738)
The file was addedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/docPattern/
The file was addedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/docPattern/
The file was addedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/docPattern/
The file was addedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/docPattern/
Commit 8f6d02923353ec570b6a2dad096b506219f95172 by plassalas
gs-cv: Ocr: Fixed a bug in OcrTesseract factory (path to TESSDATA was
too specific)
(commit: 8f6d029)
The file was modifiedgs-cv/src/main/java/org/genericsystem/cv/