Démarrée il y a 7 an. 2 mo..
A duré 2 mn 11 s

En échec Construction Generic System Quiz (7 mars 2017 10:54:51)

Artefacts du build
gs-quiz-4.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar28,18 KB view
gs-quiz-4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom756 B view
  1. merge (commit: 48a93b5) (detail)
  2. gs-reactor: Store @Step annotations, improve listeners on @Stepper (commit: 04ea242) (detail)
  3. gs-reactor: Replace context properties with attributes with an Object (commit: 4febb7a) (detail)
  4. gs-quiz : ADD_LISTENED_PROPERTY 1st try + variance/expectancy in (commit: 095d472) (detail)
  5. gs-quiz : new quiz with some questions (commit: 72efeb4) (detail)
  6. gs-quiz : added some questions to Quiz Java (commit: 503ca25) (detail)
  7. gs-quiz : questions corrected and other updates (commit: 22ff68c) (detail)
  8. gs-quiz : decomm (commit: 31b0387) (detail)