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Not built Construction Generic System Reactor (16 janv. 2017 18:21:30)

  1. Merge (commit: 26ece98) (detail)
  2. Refactoring, fix nullpointerexception (commit: 2339928) (detail)
  3. Try to fix : filteredlist issue and singularconstraint issue (commit: 75ed50a) (detail)
  4. gs-reactor: Format script.js (commit: fd280f7) (detail)
  5. gs-reactor: Avoid blocking Vert.x event thread when creating DOM nodes (commit: b82c6c6) (detail)
  6. gs-reactor: Input text editor with conversion: Fix class determination (commit: f326ff4) (detail)
  7. gs-reactor: Fix issues with inputs using datalists (commit: a55a096) (detail)
  8. gs-reactor: Code cleanup: Indent code, delete duplicated method (commit: 113d1a1) (detail)
  9. fix display bug about Modal (commit: 62b19c1) (detail)
  10. gs-reactor: Retrieve styles from GS, save GenericValueBackgroundColor (commit: a96731a) (detail)
  11. gs-reactor: Compare edited generic and selection meta before updating (commit: 12f018f) (detail)
  12. generation DOMNODE (commit: 49d4be6) (detail)
  13. InstanceEditor / InstanceStepEditor reworking (commit: 17fe9b8) (detail)
  14. Add forgotten File (commit: 0f1870a) (detail)
  15. gs-reactor: Start listening to changes to styles stored in GS (commit: 1c563c8) (detail)
  16. refactoring (commit: 3292a12) (detail)
  17. monitor refactoring (Flash button) (commit: d506008) (detail)
  18. gs-reactor: Fix script.js so that messages are sent on input changes (commit: 3509ae7) (detail)
  19. gs-reactor: Clean-up (commit: a223d0e) (detail)
  20. gs-reactor: Replace multiple ifs with switch-case in script.js (commit: be89344) (detail)
  21. gs-reactor: Differentiate list extractors for INSTANCES and (commit: dfd9cf1) (detail)
  22. gs-reactor: Convert arrays to lists in string extractor (commit: a6cb1c4) (detail)
  23. fix monitor display (commit: e288e9f) (detail)
  24. gs-reactor: Call processStyle in addStyle, do not use addStyle in (commit: cf217de) (detail)
  25. gs-reactor: Store classes and @Children annotations in database (commit: 70b41c5) (detail)
  26. gs-reactor: Update database when loading an already stored application (commit: f8c999b) (detail)
  27. gs-reactor: Store @Style annotations in GS (commit: bf65cf7) (detail)
  28. gs-reactor: Refactor: model -> context in package and class names (commit: 5bec635) (detail)
  29. gs-quiz: Stepper and CSS added on QuizzApp2 (commit: b838658) (detail)
  30. gs-reactor: Delete AbstractTag class (commit: 1753c27) (detail)
  31. gs-reactor: ExtendedRoot: Keep stored classes in Map instead of Set (commit: 7ee18ac) (detail)
  32. gs-reactor: ExtendedRoot: Add storeAnnotationParameter method (commit: e0a71cb) (detail)
  33. gs-quiz: Buttons Previous, Next and Finish appear/disappear when needed (commit: 7b05159) (detail)
  34. gs-reactor: Annotations: Don’t look for superclasses not implementing (commit: 6ef7c7b) (detail)
  35. gs-reactor: Create full tag tree before processing other annotations (commit: 6fe198d) (detail)
  36. gs-reactor: Retrieve styles stored in GS rather than in annotations (commit: 2761725) (detail)
  37. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Faster Retrieval of styles from GS (commit: be8b02a) (detail)
  38. Remove unused package (commit: 6f2acc4) (detail)
  39. Fix compilation issues in gs-reactor and gs-example-reactor (commit: 530eb4e) (detail)
  40. gs-reactor: Retrieve components with a super when creating a new (commit: d761b32) (detail)
  41. gs-reactor: Change way in which classes are stored in GS (commit: 800df67) (detail)
  42. A little cleanup (commit: 3cfbc81) (detail)
  43. gs-quiz: attribute "for" on label, Pre -> PostfixBinding on (commit: 142a90b) (detail)
  44. gs-reactor: ApplicationServer: Add class to store cache/socket/context (commit: 6570668) (detail)
  45. gs-reactor: Listen to changes on styles in generic system (commit: e4c48c4) (detail)
  46. Refactoring (commit: d90915c) (detail)
  47. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Add new style to applyingStyles in (commit: b94dd75) (detail)
  48. Refactoring (commit: de1115b) (detail)
  49. Refactoring (commit: 09dbab1) (detail)
  50. gs-quiz : login and stuff (commit: 6fb56b3) (detail)
  51. gs-reactor: Fix issues in editor (commit: 322022c) (detail)
  52. gs-reactor: Use Deque instead of List when we want to insert at the (commit: 6c8c456) (detail)
  53. gs-reactor: Avoid null pointer exceptions in Styles listener (commit: 7071ffa) (detail)
  54. gs-reactor: Use encodePrettily for JSONs (commit: ac59135) (detail)
  55. gs-reactor: Fix issue with selection not updating (commit: 6fd4314) (detail)
  56. gs-reactor: Avoid redundant call to buildTagNode (commit: 0c3ff10) (detail)
  57. gs-reactor: Simplify construction of GenericTagNode, use GS inheritance (commit: 741f8d9) (detail)
  58. gs-reactor: Improve style: top/left margin on table and editor (commit: dc11997) (detail)
  59. gs-reactor: Simplify ExtendedRootTag, use Set rather than List if (commit: 2a37ef7) (detail)
  60. Refactoring (commit: 7246444) (detail)
  61. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Simplify listener on annotationContents (commit: 532e6da) (detail)
  62. Refactoring (commit: 9c7b218) (detail)
  63. gs-reactor: Fix storage of Style annotations (commit: 7c4f66a) (detail)
  64. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Fix issue with flush deleting annotations (commit: ee4b7ef) (detail)
  65. merge (commit: f91d503) (detail)
  66. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Store @GenericValueBackgroundColor, change (commit: bdf6611) (detail)
  67. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Fix retrieval of tags concerned by a (commit: df1d1cc) (detail)
  68. gs-reactor: Listener for @GenericValueBackgroundColor annotations (commit: 33bb96b) (detail)
  69. GenericTagNode: Listeners for FlexDirection, KeepFlexDirection, (commit: be0b182) (detail)
  70. gs-reactor: Store @StyleClass annotations and listen for changes (commit: 5840ab0) (detail)
  71. gs-reactor: Store @Attribute annotations and listen for changes (commit: b89f8fa) (detail)
  72. gs-reactor: Add prefixBindings when an @Style is added/removed (commit: c2ee72d) (detail)
  73. gs-reactor: Store @SetText annotations and listen for changes (commit: 3d89972) (detail)
  74. gs-reactor: Store @BindAction and @BindText annotations (commit: 070df65) (detail)
  75. gs-reactor: Fix listener for @BindText (commit: c61634b) (detail)
  76. gs-reactor: Improve listeners on annotations (commit: ee9ee9b) (detail)
  77. gs-reactor: ApplicationServer: Print stack traces when exceptions occur (commit: ffc256d) (detail)
  78. gs-reactor: Listen for changes on @SetStringExtractor (commit: 4434f9d) (detail)
  79. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Fix test to decide whether to add an (commit: 69eb1f8) (detail)
  80. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Start listening for metaBinding changes (commit: 2b2c046) (detail)
  81. gs-quiz & gs-reactor : hide quiz selection while a quiz is running. (commit: caef87c) (detail)
  82. gs-reactor: Allow multiple actions in @BindAction (commit: 22206dc) (detail)
  83. First implementation of class switching (commit: 4bafcbd) (detail)
  84. gs-reactor: Context, HtmlDomNode: Simplify destroy (commit: e099128) (detail)
  85. gs-reactor: Fix a problem with the listener on metaBinding (commit: cb0acae) (detail)
  86. gs-reactor: Factorize some code (commit: 588fb03) (detail)
  87. gs-reactor: Context: Unbind subContexts in destroy() (commit: a4a9e3c) (detail)
  88. Improve Switcher (commit: 0959060) (detail)
  89. gs-reactor: Store @Switch annotations and listen for changes (commit: 40b7cbf) (detail)
  90. gs-reactor: Remove listener on filteredChildren when DOM node is (commit: f4c0f2b) (detail)
  91. gs-reactor: Unbind text property when destroying DOM node (commit: 8e61559) (detail)
  92. gs-reactor: Use annotation to bind logged user text (commit: 09ef85b) (detail)
  93. script.js : elt.innerHtml instead of elt.textContent (commit: ab1adbd) (detail)
  94. gs-reactor: ExtendedRootTag: Fix test before adding new annotation (commit: 15fc176) (detail)
  95. gs-reactor: Remove listeners when destroying DOM nodes (commit: 63d754e) (detail)
  96. gs-reactor: Store @BindSelection annotations and listen for changes (commit: 5074d37) (detail)
  97. Improve Switcher (commit: 814f5f3) (detail)
  98. gs-reactor: Add @GenericProcess to refactor (commit: f4d05cd) (detail)
  99. Merge (commit: 33d6f5d) (detail)
  100. New switcher implementation (commit: a274977) (detail)
  101. oops (commit: 9996b2f) (detail)
  102. gs-reactor : NEW HTMLTags !! H3-6. (commit: a40f116) (detail)
  103. fix pb with previous in switcher (commit: f25a2f0) (detail)
  104. Refactoring (commit: 9ee6132) (detail)
  105. Refactoring (commit: 64452cb) (detail)
  106. gs-reactor: Make @CustomAnnotations work with (commit: e70e601) (detail)
  107. gs-reactor: Store @InheritStyle and listen for changes (commit: 21d62c4) (detail)
  108. gs-reactor: Improve Controller for @Switcher and @Step (commit: 4e16c8c) (detail)
  109. gs-reactor : add static class LastSwitcher into Controller (commit: 78894d8) (detail)
  110. Fix tag pb in controller (commit: 90431ae) (detail)
  111. Merge (commit: 54bd409) (detail)
  112. gs-reactor: Correctly compute which generics are in cache or not (commit: e3291d1) (detail)
  113. Remove hasardous getParent() in switcher (commit: 911d01a) (detail)
  114. gs-reactor: Use @Switcher rather than @Stepper in InstanceStepEditor (commit: 4f54bb9) (detail)
  115. Refactoring (commit: 0205707) (detail)